Mary Elizabeth Nesser
5 min readApr 30, 2022


Supporting The Hairless & Happy Hoo-Ha

by: m.e. nesser

I have dedicated my career to making women happy with the specialized salon service called the Brazilian Bikini Wax. Every day I work tirelessly at either The Mark & M.E. or The Wax It All Salon in Rochester, NY to provide women with the amazing feeling that being bald can give you. I know a lot about waxing. I’ve done my research. I’ve written three books on Brazilians that I’ve been selling for over a decade on Amazon. Brazilians are empowering and they make women happy, and I take it personally when unsubstantiated claims are made to the contrary.

A few years ago, I came across an article in the Huffington Post called “Bikini Waxing Dangers: 5 Health Risks” by Laura Schocker. Not only was I shocked by her poorly supported arguments, I felt compelled to respond to them.

1. Increased Risk of Bacterial Infection: The study used to make this statement included a whopping thirty patients, with 24 of them being men. 70% of these men shaved and 13% clipped. That doesn’t leave many left who actually got a wax. Over the past 30 years, I have found that people have fewer negative reactions to waxing then shaving which is why they are willing to spend good money on this service. For example, the risk of getting folliculitis is exponentially higher when shaving with a razor that has been used more than once. This is why I’ve had dozens of local gynecologists and dermatologists send their patients to me to start waxing because of their recurring issues caused by shaving. In addition, the majority of clients that I wax are women. Although men also get Brazilians, it is not quite as common as it is for women to do it, although the numbers are rising every year. Regardless, this study is not a good representation of who is enjoying this service. She said there was an association between Brazilians and infection but not a definitive link. That is a weak statement that is unsupported. I want real proof.

2. Pubic hair is there for a reason: Schocker maintains that pubic hair keeps the skin from rubbing together. Due to the nature and positioning of genitalia, I believe this compact area will rub together, hair or no hair. She claims the hair acts like a cushion during sex. Who the hell wants a cushion? Cushions are for couches, not crotches. Most women I talk to prefer the increased sensations that result from removing all of the hair. The last thing they want is something that creates a barrier and softens the impact. In addition, I’ve had numerous women in my career tell me that their pleasure is intensified when you remove the hair from the hooded area. That alone is enough reason to get a Brazilian Wax. Schocker states that the hair keeps the skin from sticking together, reducing your risk of rashes and infections. I’d like to suggest that an occasional shower could do the same kind of thing. She speculates that pulling out hair by the root causes wounds beneath the skin. I am not convinced that there are many people who agonize over the supposed microscopic wounds that occur under the surface of their skin after a hair has been pulled out by the root. I’d like to see some proof that wounds really occur. I also want concrete proof that waxing causes infections. If you’re really that worried about contracting a sexually transmitted infection after you wax, maybe you should be more discriminative about the people you sleep with. I do agree that double dipping is a health concern, but I don’t know any reputable technician who would put a Popsicle stick all over your rectum and dip it back in the wax pot.

3. You can get burned: Obviously, if the technician is a moron and doesn’t pay attention to the temperature of the wax.

4. You can get infected ingrown hairs: In my experience, anyone can get ingrown hairs, whether you shave, clip, wax, or do nothing. Unfortunately, there are technicians in the industry who are taking an exorbitant amount of time performing the service, like 45 minutes to an hour, and that can definitely cause more irritation to the skin. That isn’t to say that the skin will not heal quickly and thoroughly, however. And I also know many technicians who like to use powders and lotions during the service, which can clog the pores. My average Brazilian takes me less than ten minutes to perform and the only product I use on the skin is tea tree oil, which is proven to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. I had a general surgeon at Strong Memorial Hospital tell me that he wouldn’t have to perform so many surgeries on pilonidal cysts (infected hair follicles) if more people would get waxed. That’s the kind of feedback I appreciate.

5. Waxing scars: Schocker said waxing can irritate the skin, cause chronic skin irritations, and result in scarring. She does not offer any concrete proof that scarring actually happens, however, which is very frustrating to even read. Unless you have some definitive data to support your argument, don’t make false claims without concrete proof. I have waxed over 70,000 Brazilians in my career and haven’t been hit with any lawsuits that claim I permanently injured anyone. In addition, I have thousands of repeat clients who agree this is a worthwhile and safe service. Millions of men and women around the world would not be getting waxed if there were a legitimate risk being permanently damaged from trying to escape the 70’s retro look and moving into the new millennium.

Brazilians make my clients feel sexy and confident. There is always a risk to any salon service, but the consumer needs to do his or her homework. Find a reputable salon with good reviews and experienced technicians. I am a huge fan of any service that makes a person feel better about their body. Women tell me all of the time how confident and sexy Brazilians make them feel. It makes me crazy when I read articles about people bashing something that I know has made tens of thousands of women in my life happy. And, in my opinion, it’s all about having a Hairless and Happy Hoo-Ha.



Mary Elizabeth Nesser

I’ve written The Happy Hoo-Ha trilogy, A Promise of Passion series, and I’m working on a motivational memoir called F’ You Fibro. It’s nice to meet you!